We ship U.S. Postal Mail (Priority Flat Rate), with delivery confirmation. If your item does not fit in the box you were charged for, we will change it to the next shipping rate. We are sorry for any inconvience if the shipping has to be changed. Type in special instructions If you need to know first, and we will call you.
*If the shipping on the order is higher than the box it goes in, we will lower the shipping cost!
- Domestic: $ 11.65
- Canada/Mexico: $ 32.20 (4 lb. Limit applies)
- All other countries: $ 49.65 (4 lb. Limit applies)
(13 5/8" x 11 7/8" x 3 3/8")
- Domestic: $ 19.15
- Canada/Mexico: $ 61.80 (20lb limit Applies)
- All other countries: 100.10 (20lb limit Applies)
- Domestic: $ 26.30
- Canada/Mexico: $ 75.15 (20lb limit Applies)
- All other countries: $ 133.50 (20lb limit Applies)
All orders to Canada and other countries need to put CCV numbers and that you agree to shipping (A YES) in special instructions! If you do not do this your order will be cancelled.
We try to ship it the best way we can for you , and we do thank you for your orders . . . . . . ALLEN
BACK ORDERS: In most cases if we are short items,we will ship what we have, because we know you want your stuff as fast as you can get it. And in a few days, we will ship you your back order at (no charge).